Members of the Ackerson Lab attend the 2024 ISMPC Conference at Penn State.

By Ackerson Lab
Published on July 15, 2024 1:57 pm MT
Posted in News

Olivia, MaKayla, Chris, Marcus, and Addison recently attended the 2024 International Symposium for Monolayer Protected Clusters (ISPMC) hosted by Penn State University. This conference was the perfect opportunity for members of the lab to meet experts in the field from all over the world and present their research to the community.

Marcus gave an excellent talk about his research on electron transfer in solid state gold cluster films.

MaKayla and Addison presented posters about their research discussing ligand dynamics and ligand exchange mechanisms on gold clusters.

Chris presenting a gilded Penn State logo to the host of the conference, Dr. Kenneth Knappenberger. This gift was created by Marcus, who has become a skillful gilder!

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